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Conwy County Borough Council keep everyone up to date with the latest Welsh news and job updates. Take a look at their website: https://www.conwy.gov.uk/

Ambrose Property Group work in the property rental market. They specialise in co-living and buy to let properties in Worcester. Click the link for more information: https://www.ambrosegroup.co.uk/

Hizzy Property are estate agents who professionally market properties to get their clients the best price. For more information, visit their website: https://www.hizzyproperty.co.uk/

ForHousing owns and manages thousands of quality homes in the UK. Visit their website here: https://www.forhousing.co.uk/

Unihousing owns and maintains a range of accommodation for students. For more information, check out their website: https://unihousing.co/#home

Karina Lane Construction can renovate and refurbish, extensions, commercial properties and new builds. Visit their website here: https://www.karinalane.co.uk/

Zest Property Management are Manchester’s leading professional house share provider, who satisfy a range of clients with quality homes. Check out their website: https://zestpropertymanagement.co.uk/

Developing Health & Independence provide support services for marginalised people, including offering supported housing. Here is their website: https://www.dhi-online.org.uk/

Changing Lives is a charity that works around the UK to provide supported accommodation and other such services to those who need it. Visit their website here: https://www.changing-lives.org.uk/

Southdown Housing are a non-profit that provide supported housing, care and support services for the vulnerable members of Sussex. Read more about them on their website: https://www.southdown.org/

NJOY Student Living is a privately owned student accommodation company. Visit their website for more details: https://www.njoystudentliving.co.uk/

Fifield Glyn Chartered Surveyors deal with property asset management and can offer various other services. More information here: https://www.fifieldglyn.com/home.php

You and Co. Living house young professionals in co-living spaces from vacant properties. For more information click here: https://www.youandcoliving.com/

Regal Portfolio Management is a London based company that works to improve landlord portfolios. Their website contains more information: https://regalportfoliomanagement.co.uk/

Higgihaus provides accommodation in the form of serviced accommodation, co-living and boutique hotels. If you would like to know more, click the link: https://higgihaus.com/

Limelight Letting offer professional portfolio management and letting services. Visit them here: https://limelightletting.co.uk/

Smartlord is a letting agent that offers support to landlords with various different services. Click the link for more information: https://www.smartlord.co.uk/

The Crescent Guest House is a bed and breakfast in York. Visit their website for more information: https://crescentguesthouseyork.co.uk/

Quality Yorkshire Homes manage and invest in rental properties. For more information, click the link: https://qualityyorkshirehomes.co.uk/

Greystones Property Rentals manages properties in Cheltenham, including apartments, self-contained studios and shared accommodation. Visit their website here: https://greystonespropertyrentals.co.uk/

The Riverside Group are one of the main registered social housing providers in the UK. They offer affordable housing and support to a variety of people to improve their lives. Check them out here: https://www.riverside.org.uk

New Wave Properties offer accommodation in Cardiff and South Wales for students and young professionals. More information is available on their website: https://newwaveproperties.org/

Triple T Investments are a private company that invest in property. Check out their website here: http://www.t3investments.co.uk/

Rooms in Kent offer affordable rooms in Kent to tenants as well as manage, develop and purchase properties in the area. Visit their website here: https://www.roomsinkent.co.uk/

Penn Property is based in Wiltshire, and manage and develop properties across the UK. Follow the link to view their website: https://www.pennproperty.co.uk/

Hove Lets are a property management and letting company, with properties in Brighton and Hove. If you would like to know more information about Hove lets, click the link: https://www.hovelets.com/index.html

Templeton Stockbridge rent, own and manage residential units near the Isle of Wight and the South Coast. More information is available here: https://www.templetonstockbridge.co.uk/

CPM North West offer an end-to-end property management service. More information is available here: http://completepropertymaintenancenorthwest.co.uk/

B-Hive Living rents quality co living rooms in Oxford and Bicester. Follow the link for more information: https://b-hiveliving.com/

Walford Homes are a family business based in Colchester and provide houseshares in the area. Their website has more information: https://www.walfordhomes.com/

FHP Living is based in Nottingham. They rent and sell various different properties including apartments and student accommodation. Interested in learning more? Visit their website: https://fhpliving.co.uk/

Citizens Advice Worcester provides free advice for any and everyone who needs it, and have locations all across England and Wales. Check them out here: https://citizensadviceworcester.org.uk/

Bowley Hathaway provides shared and boutique accommodation. If you are interested, check out their services here: http://bowleyhathaway.co.uk/

Restore York is a Christian housing charity that provides accommodation for the people of York. They can be found here: https://www.restoreyork.co.uk/

RDCP are a conglomerate that own RDCP Care, that provide specialist and elderly care, as well as residential nursing services. More can be found here: https://www.rdcpcare.com/

Simpson’s Properties provide quality 2 and 4-bed housing for students in York. The website can be found here: https://simpsons-properties.com/

Star Community Housing provides accommodation for people with complex needs. More information is available at: https://www.star-property.co.uk/services/community-housing/

Lewis Hampton offers accommodation to students and professionals. Check out their website here: https://lewishampton.com/