Digital Transformation in Housing Associations

Digital transformation in housing associations is the integration of technology into the workplace to optimise the organisation’s services. To expand, it is a new business strategy being implemented across the housing sector. Digital innovation can greatly improve the customer service experience by increasing efficiency reducing the waste of time and resources. With the Internet of […]
Digital Inclusion Strategy for Registered Social Landlords

Digital Inclusion is now more important than ever. It is helping the nation to stay connected during this unprecedented time. According to NHS Digital, digital inclusion is when people have the ability to use the internet and digital devices such as smartphones. Digital inclusion therefore requires people to have access to the internet through broadband, […]
Channel Shift for Housing Associations

Channel shift efficiency As budgets continue to shrink and expectations continue to rise, many housing associations have explored different ways to effectively drive their mission. Shifting to digital channels of engagement with citizens is one way to save money and increase efficiency. Channel shift provides internet access and moves all paper-based communication online. But achieving […]
Broadband for Social Housing Checklist

So, You’re Considering Broadband for Social Housing When it comes to broadband for social housing, infrastructure is only the start. But it’s an important start. For any registered social landlord who is implementing digital inclusion initiatives, getting the right infrastructure in place is vital. Finding the right provider is just as important. Including broadband is […]
Should Housing Associations Provide Internet Access for Social Housing Tenants?

Is Broadband for Social Housing for You? Our social housing sector page explains what we can provide for you and the benefits of providing internet access to social housing tenants. Make sure to give it a read if you are unsure about whether we are the provider for you. If you want more information, keep […]
How Wi-Fi can Promote Social Inclusion and Digital Inclusion

According to ‘Our Property’ a Housing Association is a not-for-profit organisation which owns, lets and manages rental housing. Housing associations promote social inclusion, yet digital inclusion and Internet access for social housing has taken it’s time to break through into the housing association market. Housing association Wi-Fi could bring social inclusion, educational benefits, jobs and […]
Wi-Fi for Elderly Assisted Living Accommodation

An aging population, and a society that is becoming ever dependent on the internet. The new focus of technology is Wi-Fi for the elderly, which promoted digital inclusion in assisted living facilities. Safety Wi-Fi in assisted living accommodation can help the elderly stay safe with alert buttons on mobile devices. From apps that help with […]
How Wi-Fi Can Reduce Costs in Social Housing Associations

Why should you consider broadband in social housing associations? Have you ever considered including broadband in your social housing association, supported living or sheltered accommodation? If the answer is no, it’s probable that you may be worried about the cost or management aspect of it. But there is a very important reason why you may […]